Where do you ship?

We ship from one of our many warehouses that are located internationally and locally. Usually we will ship from the closest warehouse that you are located to.

How long will it take to receive my order?

Shipping usually takes around 5-10 working days. However, sometimes can take an extra bit of time due to international borders.  

What payment methods do you support?

We support the major payment processing companies such as Paypal and Stripe. You may conveniently use Credit or Debit card to make your purchases. 

How can I track my order?

Once you have placed your order we will automaticaly provide you with tracking details via email.

Can I order as a gift for someone else?

Yes, you may certainly can. Just place your order and leave a side note so we can make sure to update the address to the recipient. 

How can I get a refund for my order?

You may obtain a refund by emailing us with your order number and any issues you may have with your purchase. We will then review your request and remedy any issues. Please note refunds are issued on a case by case basis. You as the customer has the duty to read and review all details prior to making any purchases. Any purchases made by you the customer acknowledges that they agree to making their purchase and are happy to continue with their purchase.